Twizzlers are fortunate to have access to some great facilities at Riddlesdown however during exam time this does change. Where the club manages well to continue with both Gymnastics & Trampolining during this period the space required for DMT cannot be replicated in the small hall.
We are however extremely lucky to have a good relationship with several other clubs and facilities we can access during this time. With the DMT still being new to the club and only in its second year of competing, Twizzlers already has several of the squad being very successful across both the Inter-Regional and Trampoline League. To ensure we give all our gymnasts the best opportunity to do well we travel to several different venues to allow for DMT training to continue…
Today’s visit was Bracknell Leisure Centre, one of the few locations Edgebarrow Trampoline Club train in the Bracknell area. They have a purpose-built venue located within the Leisure Centre building which provides some key training opportunities especially for Twizzlers when training space is limited.
Alex, Aaliyah, Lily & Tom made the trip round the M25 on the Bank Holiday Monday for the second of our training sessions at the Leisure Centre. The first came earlier in the month where we ran another session at Bracknell as well as a longer session at Jumpers Rebound Centre in Gillingham. The squad have also been invited to train over with Max Force another large club at Tadworth Leisure Centre again making the most of the relationships between other clubs to ensure those competing this year are suitably prepared as well as progressing skills.
Mainly focussing on refining current skills Bracknell has what is commonly known as a “Resi Mat” allowing gymnasts to sink into the mat without any rebound ensuring no injuries but providing a fun way to learn.
One of the great things about all the squads is that everyone wants to learn and push themselves in what is normally an individual sport but with everyone supporting each other as a team, or what some have often referred them to as a family which gives everyone the confidence needed.
Zoe unable to attend this session had found her confidence again earlier in the month with Front Somersaults and was over the moon. Jared also unable to make the second session was making use of the Air-Pit from the trampoline who was using for progression skills leading on to his ½ out Dismount. Using the pit to gain vision and spatial awareness for his 1&3 front summersault before moving on to achieve the ½ out during the session.
Tom already able to double back and ½ out was trying out a piked Double Back again using the resi-mat to allow him to get the confidence needed with the change of shape from tucked to piked. This allowed him to then progress into landing on a normal zone before linking with either a mount or a spotter skill.
Lilly attending the session for the first time was able to build up confidence again on the DMT after not being able to attend any of the sessions and gained valuable time, confidence and experience and making the most of not only what the facility had to offer but the coaching at a small ratio. She was able to focus on her current skills and get used to jumping again whilst slowly introducing progression skills she is already comfortable with on the trampoline across onto the DMT.
Overall, a hugely successful and valuable time spent for everyone who attended any of the sessions. These venues provide such great equipment allowing all the members to be able to push themselves safely and build confidence all whilst having fun.
Twizzlers are looking in the future at some of this equipment but in the meantime we continue to work on building relationships with other clubs and venues as not just the equipment but learning off other coaches and gymnasts provides a great way forwards